Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Journal: Parties

The best party I ever went to is my aunts 15th birthday at the community center. Their were lots of people, friends, families, food, and even a park nest to the center. My mom brong a T.V with video games so that anyone can play or take turns. The crazy part was the dancing, everyone was going wild and crazy. I was having a stomach cause of all the foods I ate and the drinks I drank, so I went to the store and bought a bottle of ginger ale to calm my stomach from aching. The funny part was that I scared the kids while they was playing in the park. I came out and screamed "BOOGA BOOGA BOGGA!!!!!" and they screamed in fear. The reason I call this party the best cause of the wild dancing, everybody more than 35 people in their, everything made this party the greatest.

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