Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Columbine High School Massacre 1999

In 1999 one of the worst High school killings in the U.S. 2 High school Students were getting bullied and Picked on. They wanted to get their revenge to the Jocks and the Students on the School.

        Eric Harris                Dylan Klebold


They Made videos of themselves using fake guns and fake shooting jocks to make them scared. On 1998 Eric Harris Threatened his friend on the email saying that Eric was gonna kill him. But his Mom called the police and Took Eric and Dylan to jail. They also Stole a Pack of Guns, Pipe Bombs, Explosives, time Bombs, and cargo Bomb. They were released on the late 1998. On the early April of 1999 they was making videos of themselves more. Then on the Mid Aprils of 1999, Harris Wrote his plan for the Massacre. He and Dylan wanted their rampage for the school. On April 23 began.

They both came with alot of guns and bombs. They began their Massacre. They shot alot of students.

All the students that Died on the columbine High School


They soon Gotten ready to Kill em selfs at 12:09p.m. The Police Have soon Found them dead on the floor.

we will Never Forget them.