Thursday, May 27, 2010

ELA Assignment: Silent Article

The book I was reading today was called "A Victim story". It Tells about a teenage girl who have been brutally beaten by a girl in which she doesn't know, only happened that she argued with her on facebook and threatened to beat her up. The article told me a few things about this, 1. Anyone should Never listen to what the other person says if you don't know them. 2. if a person threatened you or even assaulted you in the matter, block them or call the police and inform them about the situation that is happening. I know these things because someone threatened to kill me last time on a website chat called chatango. They threatened to kill me, bash me, or even wanna shoot me, and I blocked him from the list because I didn't know the guy and I don't wanna even talk to the guy. My Reaction was a complete shock, seeing this poor teen girl getting beatened like that. I know that's gotta be the most disrespected, Non-liking threat that has ever happen. She did the right thing to tell and inform the police about the situation. If you tell the police, they will help you, they will not ignore you and tell you to don't worry about it. Some will be too lazy to do so; But, some polices will actually help you with anything, even in worst cases.


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