Thursday, December 17, 2009
Journal: What to Do For Christmas EVE.
Im gonna do for Christmas Eve; Well, Im planning on spending the whole christmas eve with my family in my grandma's house. The family is planning on bringing the presents over to me grandma's house right where the christmas tree is placed. Last Year on christmas, My Bro and I bought an XBOX 360º with GTA IV and Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe. That present was the greatest one last year. Two years ago in christmas, We also bought a video game system. It was the Nintendo Wii which came with Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution and Bleach Shattered Blade. This Year; We Have the PlayStation 3 with Naruto ultimate Ninja Storm and Tekkan 6 all wrapped up and ready for christmas. Lets just hope this time, this would be the best christmas ever.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Journal: Successful.
†What it takes to become successful is to get an education. Getting an education and completing School wold guarantee the road to becoming a successful person. College is also the step taking to the road of becoming a successful person. it is like a Final Step on becoming successful, Getting a high School diploma and a college education would become the greatest thing to become a successful person. Their you would be able to do things on your own to become what you wanna be. Once their, you may get a job, raise and family and kids, get a car, and do things only a successor can do in this world. Having a successful is one of the main best things that would ever happen in this life. Im Not a successful person, Now that is. Someday, I'll meet the perfect person, raise kids, get a job and become a successful on my own. Me and My wife would be successful in this life. The Car I want is a Dodge Ram 2500 V8 2010. That car is actually a Truck; The car is big enough to put stuffs in the back that is important. Once I have this Truck, I can go whenever I want with my Wife and kids. The Successful life looks like a person having good things, good life, and good success in this world. Some roads would be tough, others would be alittle easy depends on what successful you wanna become. Other roads would be difficult for others if they don't do things only a successful person would do. You Just gotta believe in it; Someday, You to would become a successful person.
P.S. I want Ashley Rowe to be my Wife ^_^.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Questions Including the Book "Shattered"
How do you think Darcy Feels?
Well from what I think, I think she is more sad then ever. When her parents argued, jamee and her got themselves into this since their family. When she saw The Mother hit the sister, Darcy got shocked and decided to take this into action. So I Think she must felt bad and a state of shock.
How would you feel if you were in Darcy's position?
If I was in Darcy's position, I would be alittle scared cause of the punching and kicking from my parents when they fight. I would sometimes jump into the fight and pull them away before they get into a even worst cause of fight. Sometimes my parents fight over such foolish things, But I gotta help and fight them out of fighting themselves.
Do you tink Darcy's ather is going to come here? Yes? No? Why? Why Not?
Hes gonna comeback, Is Because he can't leave his family behind. Instead of leaving the famil, why not GO out, drink some soda or water and cool down. Sometimes that helps with any parent that leaves the house for a walk. M Step-Dad did that once, and then he came back and became happy again. I think hes gonna do the same thing; Darcy's father leaves. But, When he calms down, hes gonna wine up coming back.
Well from what I think, I think she is more sad then ever. When her parents argued, jamee and her got themselves into this since their family. When she saw The Mother hit the sister, Darcy got shocked and decided to take this into action. So I Think she must felt bad and a state of shock.
How would you feel if you were in Darcy's position?
If I was in Darcy's position, I would be alittle scared cause of the punching and kicking from my parents when they fight. I would sometimes jump into the fight and pull them away before they get into a even worst cause of fight. Sometimes my parents fight over such foolish things, But I gotta help and fight them out of fighting themselves.
Do you tink Darcy's ather is going to come here? Yes? No? Why? Why Not?
Hes gonna comeback, Is Because he can't leave his family behind. Instead of leaving the famil, why not GO out, drink some soda or water and cool down. Sometimes that helps with any parent that leaves the house for a walk. M Step-Dad did that once, and then he came back and became happy again. I think hes gonna do the same thing; Darcy's father leaves. But, When he calms down, hes gonna wine up coming back.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Journal: Family
When My Mom was born, she was born in Puerto Rico, Her Homeland, She had a good life in PR For a few year until the day her family moved. When She First saw NY, She thought that She would Live better Here then In Puerto Rico. She Grew up here in this Country they call "America". They Lived somewhere next to the 2 and 5 Train; Then thats when the Fire burned their house down. Soon they live in the shelter for a few months, or year, until they can find themselves a home to live. Thats when they found a House for them To Live in. It was somewhere in Cypress; My grandmother still lives their rigt now. When My Moms was older, she moved out to an apartment somewhere Idk; Then she met My Sisters father which a few weeks later, me mother was pregnant with a girl. This happend somewhere in 1991. At June 1991, my sister was borned, her name was Christine Feliciano, 2 years later, she was pregnant again, and she moved to Mott Haven. Then I was Born In March of 1993. WHen I was Born, Ive always stare at the wall, looking at my sister and moms. When I was a week old, They said I cried for me sister cause she was always their for me, Even when me and her fight alot, shes always their for me. In 1994, My Brother Joshua was borned, I always call him a Big head cause he has a Big Forehead Lawl xD. When the day got old, we started growing and growning until I was 5. I was sent to a Pre school where the Bx40,42 Bus be at. I was only their for 2 years and thats when I started my kindergarden at P.S 12. I was only in P. S 12 Till th Grade, then I went to Elijah D. Clark MS 223; I graduated the 8th grade and Then I was sent to Samuel L. Gompers, Only went their once and thats it, I went here in p754x. My Grandma had a few kids, Tiffany, Johnathan and Edwin. The Rest were living somewhere else, One of my uncles died back in 1991 in a Car crash in the Tappan Zee Bridge. My Other uncles a Basketball Player at Puerto rico. When I was 3, Me Fav Step Pops came to the Picture, his names Jerry Roman. His brothers were Jerome, Joel, Jason, Jesse and James. My Sisters were Daniah and Cassandra o_O. All of My Families big Yes Yes Yes.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Journal: Thanksgiving Thankful
What I'm thankful for this years thanksgiving; Well Thats a little tough one, Well here we gø. What Im Thankful for this Thanksgiving is all the people who has celebrated the feast of this tradition. I'm Thankful for the food and the teachers who made and served the food. The Food was delicious and exciting, hanging out with peoples and friends in the classroom, Watching movies in the T.V that the teachers did for us. The cake was delicious, frostings and pineapple sauce inside, that made it so good and delicious. In My House, we was planning for this thanksgiving in my granny's house. All these years since I was Little, We always go to my granny's house to celebrate thanksgiving. In this year, I Hope this would be the greatest thanksgiving ever.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Journal: World Trade Center (1973 - 2001) Rise and Fall..
In The old days of Manhattan, the area was like a Big island full of lots of tall buildings, trains, bus's, boats and other transits. New York City a.k.a Manhattan was one of the famous cities in New york History. Their were tallest buildings in New york history, like the Chrysler Tower, that was the most tallest building back in the 1910's or 1920's; In the 1930's that was when they created another tallest building in Manhattan, which was located in the middle side of Manhatan. The name they call this bulding was the Empire State Building. This building had the total of 102 floors, this building was only the tallest building until around the 60's. The New york builders and government was creating the idea of making the most tallest building of all time. The building would stood 110 floors, 10 tons of steel and witstand hurricane currents. Many have sketched the idea of the buildings, but then Declined by the governer. But, One Chinese man had the most best idea, and best sketched, that the idea is to create 2 buildings, one with the antenna and the other a watch site. The North Tower would have a Antenna to connect threw other services throughout the Whole area of lower Manhattan. The South tower would have the Watch site for tourist who visits New Yor Manhattan. They have Build more buildings next to the Towers, their were 3 4th floor Buildings and a Hotel. When the Buildings were done t 1973, they named it, the World Trade Center, one of the Most biggest and Moast tallest buildings ever to be made. More then 7 to 8 Thousand workers worked in the World Trade Center, others work for Parking lots. They've name the others World Trade Center 3 which was the Hotel, World Trade Center 4, 5, 6 is the 4th and 5th floors of the building. In The 1980's, The World Trade Center 7 was created, one of the 2nd place biggest world trade center. World Trade Center 4, 5, 6, (4th & 5th Floors, 4th place), World Trade Center 3 (the Hotel - 20th Floors, 3rd place), World Trade Center 7 (40, 50th floors 2nd place) World Trade Center 1 (North) and World Trade Center 2 (South)(Both are 110th floors, 1st place). The Towers were the Biggest of them all, until the Terrorist attacked in 1993. The 1993 Bombing which a Car loaded with dynamites and bombs exploded, taking the North Towers Parking Lot. 17 Citizens were Killed, others were Injured by the Blast. In 1998, They Arrested the main terrorist for the 1993 bombing, he was sentenced to life in prison. Years passed as they fixed the parking lot of the North Tower, Since that Day Happend, they Alert more securities around the parking lot and tower.
September, 11, 2001
8:00am, Muhammad Atta and his squad entered Flight 11, Boarding From Boston to Los angelas. The Plane set to Leave the area within 20minutes, the Terrorist attacked the plane, Hijacking it.
8:46:20am: In that Moment, the Plane was caught by the citizens eyes, when they've seen the White American airlines flight 11. The Moment of Peace, has been shattered. THe American Airlines Flight 11, bashed into the World Trade Centers North Tower face, sending a Big Fireball of Jet Fuel, The North Tower was Strucked by a Plane. The Plane hit the 93rd to 99th floor of the North Tower. All Internet, Phone lines were damaged, but the South Tower remained safe from destruction.

8:47:40am: Capt Jay Jonus, a Leading Firefighter from Ladder , send himself and his troops to head for the burning tower which was the North Tower. Many People Jumped from their lives, but died when they slammed threw the concrete floor.
9:03:06am: When the Tower is burning flames from the North, A Fuji Bank employee Stanely Premanth, He went to the lobby floor with all his employers until they send him back to his station. He Later when up to the 67th floor, a phone call rang as he picked it up. Then He caught a Blue Plane from his eyes. Yes, its the United Airlines Flight 175 that was Boarding from Boston, it came from the behind direction, It tried to make a Left turn, But it was to late, the United Airlines Slamed into the South Tower, all the floors from the 60th floor was destroyed. When the plane exploded inside the south tower, a Gigantic explosion of jet fuel blasted out from the tower. THeir waiting for the Worst. Rick riscorla escorded everyone from the 47th floor, hoping to live.

9:59:10am and 10:29:10am: The Even Worst set to Come, just as when the Ladder Company 7 entered the 20th floor in the stairs, the South Tower has Fallen. the Tower fell down, killing lots of people inside the building. 23minutes later, the North Tower Collapses from sight, sending a Black out towards all of lower Manattan. rescue workers investigate the sight, no bodies were found, 4,924 people died on that Day.
September, 11, 2001
8:00am, Muhammad Atta and his squad entered Flight 11, Boarding From Boston to Los angelas. The Plane set to Leave the area within 20minutes, the Terrorist attacked the plane, Hijacking it.
8:46:20am: In that Moment, the Plane was caught by the citizens eyes, when they've seen the White American airlines flight 11. The Moment of Peace, has been shattered. THe American Airlines Flight 11, bashed into the World Trade Centers North Tower face, sending a Big Fireball of Jet Fuel, The North Tower was Strucked by a Plane. The Plane hit the 93rd to 99th floor of the North Tower. All Internet, Phone lines were damaged, but the South Tower remained safe from destruction.
North Tower Hit By Plane
8:47:40am: Capt Jay Jonus, a Leading Firefighter from Ladder , send himself and his troops to head for the burning tower which was the North Tower. Many People Jumped from their lives, but died when they slammed threw the concrete floor.
9:03:06am: When the Tower is burning flames from the North, A Fuji Bank employee Stanely Premanth, He went to the lobby floor with all his employers until they send him back to his station. He Later when up to the 67th floor, a phone call rang as he picked it up. Then He caught a Blue Plane from his eyes. Yes, its the United Airlines Flight 175 that was Boarding from Boston, it came from the behind direction, It tried to make a Left turn, But it was to late, the United Airlines Slamed into the South Tower, all the floors from the 60th floor was destroyed. When the plane exploded inside the south tower, a Gigantic explosion of jet fuel blasted out from the tower. THeir waiting for the Worst. Rick riscorla escorded everyone from the 47th floor, hoping to live.
Caught sights of Plane Ready to Enter the Tower.
Plane Entered the South, Exploding.
9:59:10am and 10:29:10am: The Even Worst set to Come, just as when the Ladder Company 7 entered the 20th floor in the stairs, the South Tower has Fallen. the Tower fell down, killing lots of people inside the building. 23minutes later, the North Tower Collapses from sight, sending a Black out towards all of lower Manattan. rescue workers investigate the sight, no bodies were found, 4,924 people died on that Day.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Journal: Halloween
What I did for Halloween Was party. The party was in my Neibor's house across the street from us. The Person I was for halloween was WCW/TNA's own Sting. >_> ...what...he had cool Paint on his face o_O. Anyways, The party lasted the whole night like around 7pm to 1:10am. The party was in the Living room of their house, it had lots of food, beer, soda's, Chips, etc, etc; All of it was what I called, Paradise of Food Craves. I went all out in the party like crazy, I drank, dance craziy and even ate some food. The party was one of a kind, a halloween Bash. When I got Bored, I put on my Skeleton Jesus Christ mask, hide on the Stairs of the living Room and turned out the lights; When people was coming up for the party, I grabbed their feet and just said, BAAAHHH!!!. All of them got fucking Scared as hell.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Journal: ..Life.
The same thing that Happend to her, happend to me as well. When I was 15, I'd still go to Samuel Gompers High School. I was Suffering alot of stress, depression and alot of pain due to that school and life itself. I wanted to just drift away, away from everyone, from life, from grief, away from everything that caused me so Much pain and misery. But, When I was gonna just leave life forever, I met a girl that I Kinda got into a crush. I felted something that I got new at it, and it was love. I started to talk to her, I always draw her anime pictures, her favorite ones. I always give her a goodbye hug and a hug. I found out, that she was taken by someone already. The fact that I met someone that I really like, happend to just shatter like that. I Realize now that I didnt have no use for life. My life got into a fatal heartbreak that would never be healed ever again. I Went home, locked my room door and sit on the floor and leaned on the corner, my head went down looking at the floor with misery. Nothing Never gonna change this pain I have inside of me. The love that I like shattered, parents screamed at me, friends betrayed me and all I can think about is Pain and suffering. When I got tired, I heard voices in my head. I couldnt take the voices telling me horrible things about my fate; I started to lose it. I began punching the wall as hard as I can, My hands were bleeding. I hit the door, broke the glass cup, even wrecked the room. I layed down on the floor, I only said "...I had enough..." and thats when I cut my self. Letting the blood ease the pain I was having inside of me. I couldnt take this anymore so I had to. I blame myself from doing this things to myself.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Jounral: If I had a Super Power.
If I had a Super power, it would be the rose of illusions. Well the rose of illusions is a illusion if a Rose that I held will be falling to the ground or a pedal breaks. Obviously When a Simple little pedal from my rose breaks, it would trigger a sudden illusion that can cause blindness, or Death. when a Rose drops, I glare towards a person, when a pedal drops, the person would enter the world of torture and death without them glaring the guy getting tortured. His real body may stand their, but in his mind, My Illusion is killing him in his mind. While hes getting slash, tortured, smashed, stabbed, his real body wont even show an inch of blood anywhere; When the illusion vanishes, the man would fall down, dying their like a helpless corpse. His body died because of the illusion which killed him in his mind. They say when the person dies in the illusion, you die right their in reality.
Journal: Favorite bands, Music, and genres.
One of My Most favorite musics, bands, and genres that I like the most is something to do with rock, metal, black and death metal; Reason why I like those musics, bands and genres only is because of all the tention, all the psychotic vocals from the band, all of the rock'n from their highest Contemned, that makes the world of rock and metal come alive. Some of the favorite bands that I really listen to even though its rock is Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Systems of a Down, My Chemical Romance, Hinder, Cold, Crossfade, Sum41, Godsmack, Drowning Pool, Linkin Park, P.O.D, Saliva, The 69 EYES, and Many More rock bands to add to the list. Rock is not all Devilish; Some rock musics and bands are go with the genres Hardcore, Hard Rock, Thrash Rock, Techno Rock, Soft Rock, Alternative Rock, and just regular Alternative. The bands I like from the Metal side of the rock/metal family is Disarmonia Mundi, Disturbed, Dragonforce, Rob Zombie, Anthrax, Killswitch Engage, H.I.M., Rev Theory (Album: Light it Up 2008), SlipKnot, Dimmu Borgir, Bloodsimple, Anterior, Symphorce, All That Remains, and everything else I like about the metal side of the family name of Rock/Meal. The Music I Likes From all is everything. Mostly all I do is listen to everything that is rock, metal related. I just love everything about metal and rock, all of the bands, albums, genres, the rock'n, the screams on the vocals. I Mostly Like Howard Jones Screams from the New Killswitch Engage that was now new in 2003 since the original vocalist Jesse Leach Left the band. This is one of the Most Favorite Bands, Musics, and genres I like.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Why Do I always Cut Myself..
†The Reason why I cut Myself recently is because of all the Stress I've been having for the last year. Since the days I've been suffering with everything, people, family, school, etc etc; Everything is 100% Not good for me in this world. That is the reason why I cut myself every time I get into Stage 5-9 of my Emotional Stress. When i Cut myself, I use anything like a razorblade or a knife, and just slit myself. The Slit is mean by cutting or clean cut; What I do is that I cut everywhere around my arm.
April 2009: In this month of this year, I was alittle stress because of everything that was happening to me. Then all of a Sudden, I get into an Argument with my brother, me and him was arguing fiercely and then I got really pissed. The Stress rised up to Stage 5, which meant by the bad sage of the emotional stress. I went to the kitchen, grabbed the knife that had shark teeth on the bottom, and just slit my wrist. My Mind dissapeared, my eyes stayed glanced towards the blood Dripping down the floor like a pool. A Pool of blood appear as soon as I cutted my wrist. My Body was feeling like Passing out, My mind and eyes were scribbling like I was gonna just fall and die on the floor, leaving my helpless body to the floor. When My Parents saw the blood, she was furious and hit my brother, she said if Something bad happend to me, she'd kill my brother. -*sighs*- guess I havent died..the stress vanished and I returned to my normal state....
June 2009: The day when the summer began, at least, thats what I thought the summer would be. As Soon as I came home from school, I had alittle bad time because of all the time i had an argument with the security of the train. I felt like i was gonna hurt someone with rage and anger, soon I layed down against the floor, just thinking should I start killing people, yes or No. The Other stuffs I had in rage was against my parents, They screamed at me and I screamed at them back, soon as they hit me with something, the stress level reached to level 5.1 again. I then went to the bathroom, and cut myself again, watching the blood fall and drip; I think hide it with a Butterfly stitches and covered it and told them that I Fell and hit the pole.
Guess Cutting My emotional Stressed Hobby...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Character Information: Itachi Uchiha

Clan: Uchiha Clan (Former), Akatsuki
Height: 175.2cm
Weight: 57.1kg
Appearance: Despite his status as an infamous shinobi, his appearance was not the most intimidating, apart from the intensity of his eyes. While living in Konoha, he would regularly have a gentle and caring look in his eyes, especially directed towards his younger brother. After joining Akatsuki, he would regularly have a stern look to them. He was a fairly tall shinobi, whose basic appearance was very much like the rest of his clan.
Hair/Style/Color: He, like all members of his clan, possessed dark grey eyes, and also had black hair that hung near his cheeks to frame his face. He also had the addition of a long ponytail in the back of his hair (which he obscured with his Akatsuki cloak after joining the organization). Being brothers, Itachi and Sasuke had a similar appearance, but with subtle differences. Itachi's hair color appeared slightly duller and with a softer flow to it, without the spiky style at the back. His skin was also slightly darker. Itachi's most distinguishing characteristics were the long pronounced creases under his eyes.
Clothing Style: When he lived in Konoha, his casual clothes would consist of a black shirt with a large Uchiha clan symbol on the back of it, and black pants with a weapons pouch strapped to them. When on duty, he would wear the traditional ANBU uniform, although he was never shown wearing a mask. As a member of Akatsuki, he wore the traditional Akatsuki cloak, and usually kept the center of it buttoned down. After his cloak was incinerated by Sasuke's Kirin during their fight in Part II, it was revealed that he still wore his casual clothes underneath it. Like almost all members of Akatsuki, he wore the headband of his home village, Konoha, with a line gouged through it, to symbolize his broken ties with the village (although, secretly, he was actually still loyal to his village).
Jutsu Master: Itachi was a master of all the Uchiha clan's techniques, along with the Sharingan, and had great prowess with all of the three main types of jutsu. When battling against Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma, Kakashi commented that Itachi wasn't fighting with even half of his strength. Itachi was also noted to be very fast, particularly with his hand movements. This extended to weaving hand seals and throwing weapons, as he was able to reveal a set of shurikens with one hand and then suddenly attack the opponent with a form of Ninjutsu. In terms of mobility, he is able to close considerable distances fast enough to appear like teleporting. His speed was such that neither Sasuke nor Kakashi, who are both very adept at using the Sharingan, could follow his movements in either case. Itachi's techniques also often involved usage of crows, both in ninjutsu and genjutsu. This is amongst other seen with his creation of a clone that dissolves into crows and using crows to hide shurikens in them. Despite his extensive use of genjutsu, Itachi appeared to be quite skilled in taijutsu as well, as demonstrated when he easily dispatched three fellow Uchiha and when he stopped Sasuke's Chidori with one hand and brutally beat the latter during their reunion in Konoha.
Sharingan: Being of the Uchiha Clan, and as noted by Kakashi, Itachi was a true successor of the Sharingan Eye From a stationary position, he would study an opponent's movements with his Sharingan and respond accordingly, often with a genjutsu. He could cast a genjutsu by merely pointing at or looking at someone, and could similarly turn an opponent's genjutsu against them with Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. Itachi had trained so much with his eyes that he had reached the stage where he could have his Sharingan activated all the time, with minimal drain on his chakra levels.
Mangekyo Sharingan: Itachi possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, which increased his already great power, and enabled him to use his most powerful techniques. With his left eye, he could use Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that traps an opponent's mind in an illusionary world, torturing them for what seems like days in a matter of seconds. With his right eye he could use Amaterasu, a ninjutsu which allowed him to create a black flame that he could direct by moving his eye to burn through seemingly anything in its path, including fire itself. His final technique was Susanoo, a technique that manifested itself as a spectral being, labelled as the "Raging God of Battle" in the databook. It wielded the Totsuka Sword, an ethereal sword with the ability to seal anything it pierces into the gourd that serves as its hilt, and Yata's Mirror, a shield that can reflect any attack. Zetsu, a fellow Akatsuki member, stated that Itachi's mastery of the Sharingan, combined with the legendary weapons of Susanoo, made him invincible. Despite his mastery of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi suffered greatly from its side effects. His eyesight would worsen as time pass since the awakening of the Mangekyo Sharingan, and the degradation would only increase after every time he uses it, which would lead him to eventually go blind from its power, with his Sharingan forever sealed away. By the time Itachi activated his Mangekyo during his final fight with Sasuke, his vision had becomed horribly blurred, seeing Sasuke as a bunch of hazy lines. Itachi was so close to blindness that, by the time he activated Susanoo in his final fight, both Sharingan eyes had become almost blind, and had turned white. However, he was still able to perform his own Fūinjutsu in his last moments.
.::Spells, Attacks::.
Amaterasu: Named after the Shinto Sun Goddess, Amaterasu is the highest level Fire Release technique, as well as one of the most powerful ninjutsu in existence. It is said to represent the "Material World and Light" (物質界と光, Busshitsukai to Hikari), the antipode to Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu of similar power and a fellow Mangekyo Sharingan dōjutsu, said to represent the "Spiritual World and Darkness" (精神界と闇, Seishinkai to Yami). Itachi Uchiha was the first person to be shown to be able to use Amaterasu. He later gave the power to Sasuke Uchiha.
Tsukuyomi: Named after the Shinto Moon god, Tsukuyomi is one of the most powerful genjutsu in existence. It is unique to the Uchiha clan and only those with the Mangekyo Sharingan can perform it. It is said to represent the "Spiritual World and Darkness" (精神界と闇, Seishinkai to Yami), the antipode to Amaterasu, a ninjutsu of similar power and fellow Mangekyō Sharingan dōjutsu, said to represent the "Material World and Light" (物質界と光, Busshitsukai to Hikari). sukuyomi requires eye contact to be performed. When executed, the jutsu traps the target in an illusionary world that is completely controlled by the user. While it only takes a few seconds to complete in the real world, the user can make it seem as if days have passed for the target. Depending on the user's whim, they can either torture their target for what seems like days on end, or make them relive a traumatic event over and over. When the jutsu ends the resultant psychological trauma will render the target unable to fight for an extensive period of time, and possibly suffer a complete mental breakdown.
Demonic Illusion: Burning Paper Body: This genjutsu requires the Sharingan and eye contact to be activated. The illusion traps the victim in a dark empty space where their body is made of paper that burns from toe to head while the user is watching. The purpose of this jutsu is to use the target's vision of their new form to reduce his/her dexterity, making it harder for the victim to battle or perform hand seals.
Dusk Crow Genjutsu: This unknown genjutsu can trap a victim in an illusion with no eye contact, similar to Ephemeral. The genjutsu traps the victim in a torrent of crows, leaving them at the users mercy.
History: Itachi was born into the Uchiha clan and was praised by all as the best of his generation - a genius above all others. Even by the standards of the battle-adept Uchiha clan, Itachi's prowess far outshone them. However, not even his family, friends, or teachers could understand him. When he was only 4, Itachi had already witnessed countless lives lost due to the Third Great Shinobi World War, which emotionally traumatized him and turned him into a pacifist. At age 7, he graduated from the Ninja Academy at the top of his class after only one year, mastered the Sharingan at age 8, passed the Chunin Exams at age 10, and became an ANBU Captain at age 13. According to Madara Uchiha, Itachi also had a lover, whom he killed during the Uchiha clan massacre. He was praised highly by his father, who saw the family's future in Itachi, hence neglecting his other son - Itachi's younger brother, Sasuke. However, during this time Itachi showed great affection towards his little brother, Sasuke, and even encouraged his father to come to the Academy when Sasuke was enrolled, something their dad had otherwise forgotten, by saying that he would not go to an important mission that would establish Itachi a place in the ANBU ranks, otherwise. When the Uchiha began planning to overthrow Konoha, Itachi, as an ANBU, was tasked with spying on the village. Knowing that a coup d'etat would only lead to another Ninja War, Itachi began spying on the Uchiha instead, passing on information to the Third Hokage and the other Konoha elders. After this he began to act strangely, not attending the clan meetings, speaking out against the clan, and becoming the prime suspect for the murder of his best friend, Shisui Uchiha. The clan lost hope in Itachi, and his father began shifting his focus to Sasuke instead. Meanwhile, the Third's attempts to negotiate a bloodless end to hostilities between the two parties were proving ineffective, so, against the Third's wishes, Danzo and the Konoha Council ordered Itachi to wipe out the Uchiha. Before the fateful night arrived, Itachi discovered the existence of Madara Uchiha, who was attempting to rekindle the flames of war in Konoha. In return for not attacking Konoha, Itachi offered to help Madara claim vengeance against the Uchiha for turning their backs on him decades earlier. Madara agreed. Itachi slaughtered his entire clan overnight, sparing only Sasuke. Sasuke's life was worth more than the village to Itachi, and he could not follow through with the orders to kill him as well. Instead, he made himself out as a villain, who had killed their innocent family only to test his abilities. By doing so, he wanted Sasuke to take vengeance on him and become a hero to Konoha, thus redeeming the Uchiha name. He tortured Sasuke with his Mangekyo Sharingan, and encouraged him to become strong enough to kill him and avenge their family. Hoping that his beloved little brother would someday be powerful enough to kill him, Itachi left the village as a traitor. Knowing that Konoha would still want to eliminate Sasuke, Itachi pleaded with the Third Hokage to keep Sasuke safe. He also threatened Danzo to not harm Sasuke or risk him revealing everything he knew about Konoha's secrets to enemy countries. Sasuke's safety was therefore secured, and Itachi returned to his original plan of becoming infamous for his slaughter of the Uchiha. Itachi joined Akatsuki in order to keep an eye on the organization, along with Madara Uchiha, in case either ever acted against Konoha, all the while planning for his death at Sasuke's hands. While a member of Akatsuki, Itachi was approached by Orochimaru, who tried to steal his body to gain the Sharingan. Itachi trapped him in a genjutsu and severed his left hand as punishment, forcing Orochimaru to flee the organization. Sometime after joining Akatsuki, Itachi later helped recruit Deidara, Orochimaru's replacement, by beating him in battle, after which Deidara swore vengeance against Itachi.
Journal: Emotional Stress
The Reason Why I am Feeling stress right now is the issues I'm having With everything in My Life that is going wrong, terribly wrong. I've been having an emotional Stress since May, 4, 2008. Since that year I've been having a emotional stress, against everything. I Dont know If I can control or Fight against this stress, this Stress hurts, it hurts. I always say to myself, Why Do I hate the World, Why do People hate me, Why do they treat me Like an enemy. I wanna Know why, WHY!!..., Why am I suffering this Pain. Parents scream at me, Alot of shit stresses me out always, school stresses me even more then ever, I Cant TAKE IT ANYMORE!!. The More stress I have, the More Im gonna hit to the top stage of this stress. Some people say that the Stress last to stage 1-10. Right Now Im in Stage 3 of this Emotional Stress, When each teen reaches to stage 5 of the emotional stress, they would have to cut themselves around the wrist, or areas of the arm. If they reach to Stage 10 of the Emotional stress, They Commit Suicide and Take their own life away as soon as possible. I Don't know If Im gonna take this stress any Longer, if this keeps up even more, I would give up my whole life and just kill myself. Leaving my Cold, Lifeless body on the floor of the ground, waiting for something to take me to eternal rest...forever. The only people that can calm me from my stress from ever regaining to the next level is my babii Ashley, and My Best Friend Terrance. Those 2 are the only once that can calm me down from this never ending pain Im having right Now.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Journal: Questions.
Dear Teacher; i have some questions to ask you about your personal life. What Month, Day, year were you born in, since I was born on 3,15,93. I want to know what day month and year you were born in. Next question I wanted to ask is, whats your favorite foods. The Foods I like and always eat are rice, beans, chicken, burgers, apples, bananas, grapes, etc etc, I know you gotta like something that you like about foods. The other questions Im willing to ask is; Do you have a gf. I have a gf name Ashley Rowe, Shes my baby and Im her babii and me and her love eachother so Much, so Now I wanna Know if you have a gf to love and care forever. Their are a few more questions I was willing to ask you, What race are you in, since My race is Puerto Rico, so now what is your race. Judging by how you look, I would say that you must be irish or White =P. >_> ...A Few more I wanna ask but Now I got nothing to ask, OH WAIT!!!!, I got a few more to ask you. In your Personal life, Did you ever wanna go to a Vacation to somewhere that is fancy like Jamaica, Puerto Rico, China, Japan, Germany, Spain, Brazil, California, Virginia, anything :D. And thats it ;D.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
journal: Whats school good for.
School is good for somethings; School is good for education. Education is the 1st thing that anyone needs to do. Its passing grades and achieving something. If anyone including me, wats to have a job, house, car, anything that is need to pass and work for your life, its school. School that needs to be done to pass. Some people spend time in school, to meet with other people, friends, anyone. School has a few programs, each of the programs needs to be done to achieve. Everyone needs to be here on time, to get credits. Credits are the 1 chance to graduate and getting a diploma, Diploma's are the only thing you need to leave the school, and follow your dreams as a sucessor. Diploma's are also good enough to go to college. The thing that is mostly I thing that is good for is computers, computers are good for researching, journals, working, activities, blogsm etc etc. These are the things I think why that school is good for something.
Journal: Whats school good for.
School is good for somethings; School is good for education. Education is the 1st thing that anyone needs to do. Its passing grades and achieving something. If anyone including me, wats to have a job, house, car, anything that is need to pass and work for your life, its school. School that needs to be done to pass. Some people spend time in school, to meet with other people, friends, anyone. School has a few programs, each of the programs needs to be done to achieve. Everyone needs to be here on time, to get credits. Credits are the 1 chance to graduate and getting a diploma, Diploma's are the only thing you need to leave the school, and follow your dreams as a sucessor. Diploma's are also good enough to go to college. The thing that is mostly I thing that is good for is computers, computers are good for researching, journals, working, activities, blogsm etc etc. These are the things I think why that school is good for something.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Video Game Review: Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is the following sequal to the budokai series such as Budokai, Budokai 2, Budokai 3, Budokai Tenkaichi, and Budokai Tenkaichi 2. The game had a few modes as followed or maybe, Dragon Universe (the Story mode), VS Mode (1 on 1 battle, Tag Team Battle, limited points, have 20 points, each character has a number, the strongest will have a total of 20 points.), etc etc. The game had more improvement and more stuff installed in the game, more better then the previous budokai games that was released that has begun around 2001 or 2002. The game then followed up and became 1 of the best of the best. The gameplay is more explosive then the other tenkaichi games. The Battle begins when 2 opponent stare at eachother, getting ready to fight in a decent battle, then as the match begins, both of them duke it out. Lots of explosive destructive punching and blasting appears on one of them. The story begins when you may choose the saiyan saga, then the frieza, then the cell, then the majin Buu Saga, then the Dragonball GT saga which has the opponents of bebi, Super android 17, and Syn Shenron. The game has a Big score of 9.2/10.
Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Cover (wii Cover)

Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 Preforming the Big Bang Kamehameha 100x against Omega Shenron,

Destined Battle: Goku Vs Vegeta.

Goku Super Saiyan 2 Preforms the Super Kamehameha

Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 Preforming the Big Bang Kamehameha 100x against Omega Shenron,
Destined Battle: Goku Vs Vegeta.
Goku Super Saiyan 2 Preforms the Super Kamehameha
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Journal: $$$
If I had unlimited amount of cash, what should I spend it on, hmmm. I would probably go on a Month vacation to Jamaica and puerto rico. I would go to jamaica and do one hell of a fun time, I would relax on the clean beach of jamaica, eat their foods, even look at the sunset on the beach coast. What I do is have one hell of a fun good time. The Next place I would go to is the homeland of my race which is Puerto rico. I would ave a wonderful and awsome time their in puerto rico. What I do in puerto rico is enjoy their fabulous of wonders, likle the beach which is cleaner, the pools which had more deep pool sides, even the food they make is good. The land of puerto rico is the nicest place to have a great vacation. What I do with the unlimited amount of cash, I buy lots of wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 games for me to play, a big mansion like house, even Help the needing and the children from their sickness and cancer, etc. i'll help the children rom their sickness since they need donations, I'll donate lots of money for their help to prevent death. If I had some Free time, I'll buy what i want, or what I need to survive and live by tomorrow or the end of my life. Thats what I do if I had lots of money and need some spending.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Journal: Konye West Interruption
I think that konye West was absolutely Stupid for doing this. That Beautiful Poor innocent girl 1st award ever, I know she was crying when He won the award for best video music award. Tears of happyness was shedding apon her eyes until then Out of know where, Konye West interrupted her speech, telling her that Beyonce was suppost to win the award, which I might think that it might of broken her heart. Then Beyonce told the whole crowd that Taylor deserve to have the awards and give herself a chance. Konye all opf a sudden apologizes to her on the internet, telling her how sorry he was for interrupting the speech and costing her the award. I don't think he meaned it because somewhere on that apology letter, it said something that might of hurt her even more, hes telling her that he liked the cheerleader part and he says that he is the best pop star of all time. That might of hurt her even more. he was not really apologizing to her, he was saying that and didnmt mean it, That letter was teasing her more. Then On the Jay Leno show, Jay menchined about his Mom, which shut Konye up. Now he knew by doin this, that might of dissapoint his mother from what he has done. Now he know what he gotta do. Why dont he dont be a man, stand up, go infront of her face, and really apologize to her, Cause saying this on the internt is hurting her even more.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
†he †opic I Have always Want£ †o L£arn
†The one topic I have always wanted to learn is learning about the new cars that are ready to be release to the U.S. Stuffs their making around the world today are getting more better and more expensive then ever because of how good the cars speed, build in adjustment etc etc, the cars are getting expensive by the minute these cars are released to the Public. Some cars can be used for racing sometimes, The speed of the car that is used for racing can be up to 50 -87mph -(miles per hour)-, A speed like that can maybe kill someone or even injured them due to the speed of this racing car, that can probably be dangerous. A few months ago, The mustang was ready to be released around the U.S, when I saw how the mustang looks, I was so suprised to see a crazy car with good ignition, adjustment, custom color, Brightest lights, etc. The wheels were like as if the mustang was a true racing car to buy, to bad the mustang cost more then $1000, The mustang would mostly cost more then $87,500, Rich people can buy this car due to them being richer then ever before. Another thing about the mustang is how fast is this car, usually other cars can go up to 50 mph, But this car can go up to more then 101 mph, Its like a Bull going into a outburst. The 2012 mustang was released already or still under development, it is up to the Chevy or the saleem to decide if the mustang is ready to be releasing the 2012 version or just wait until further notice. Next thing I was intrested in is the Dodge Ram, I was in love with these trucks ever since, The Truck is so strong that no car can be able to destroy the dodge ram truck. This truck is a true power breaker, the rammer, the destroyer, the shielder. The speed of the truck is only 45mph. But, Since how big is the truck, No car can top this truck/car. Ever since the Old 1970's the dodge ram used to be good around the mid 7's. Due to certain amount of changes, the dodge ram begin to change more and more through out the years of development. The Truck in 1996 looked like the truck was gonna be a true breaker, soon the truck changed after the year 2005, thats when the truck became even bigger, and even batter then ever before. Now times changed until their ready to make the New 2010 dodge ram, which is gonna be the great prize and more compatible then ever.†
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
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